Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year's Eve
Downstairs I can hear people celebrating.
The clock hasn't struck twelve yet. Not for another hour and ten minutes.
The house is quiet. The room is dark.
I know that out there somewhere, my friends are celebrating.
And I know that when they are done celebrating. I will be remembered.
So I wait.
Knight In Not-So-Shining Armor
That gets me through the night,
I ain't gonna do what I don't want to,
I'm gonna live my life,
Shining like a diamond,
Rolling with the dice,
Standing on a ledge, I'll show the wind how to fly,
When the world gets in my face,
I say,
Have a nice day
- Bon Jovi, Have A Nice Day
I've been thinking lately, and I've decided. I have not been very good at holding to certain ideals of mine. Not the important ones. I couldn't ever let go of the important ones, even if I do get so upset sometimes. I'm too stubborn to stop. But a certain few, I haven't been so good at. It's never easy though. I mean I was reading today at work, it's a book by Michael Crichton, Timeline. It's fictional, and basically about this group of historians who travel back in time (the explanation in the book is much longer and essentially much more convincing. But that's basically what they do.) in order to piece history together more accurately. But as usual something goes wrong and they get stuck there and have to rescue one of their members.
Anyway, there is this character, who is basically obsessed with all thing Medieval. He can joust, and swordfight, and wear armor, and speak Middle English, Latin and Occitan. During the beginning of the book, when they're still in the present, you can sort of tell that most of the other characters think he's nuts. I read this today and was like "Haha! So true..."
He remembered how Marek's (The character in mention) intensity had always amused the other graduate students - "Can you imagine? He really believes this chivalry shit!" - and how they had assumed his behaviour was some kind of weird posturing. A role he was playing, an affectation. Because in the late twentieth century (this book is that old. :D) you couldn't seriously ask other people to think that you believed in honour and truth, the sanctity of true love, the defense of women, and all the rest of it.
- Michael Crichton, Timeline, pg. 346, Knopf Hardcover Edition 1999, ISBN 0-679-44481-5
And that's true, isn't it? How can you expect people to believe that you're really a person who could sincerely believe in these things. Especially in this time and age. In an age where women are raped, where men steal from other men, kill them. In an age where people are downtrodden and have no means to speak out against the outrage. How can you possibly expect people to believe that you're a person who can hold on to such "outdated" ideals. But here's the thing. I believe in them. All of them. Honour, truth, the sanctity of true love and the defense of women. (Well maybe not so much the last one, I know girls who could kick me from here to Sunday.)
At the end of the book? The guy decided to stay in the past and let his team go home. And back in the present, which is over 500 years later, they manage to find him in historical texts and visit his sarcophagus. You know something? I was so jealous when I read that. I've said it over and over again, I never felt like I belonged here in this time. And yes, I'm sure there's a reason I'm here. But I don't feel like I belong. I've always felt like, I should have been at Troy, or fighting in the Colosseum for my life, or at the head of a barbarian horde even. Not here. Not in tame Malaysia in 2008 sitting up at night typing Blog posts on my PC.
But then, I'm here. And all I can do is somehow try to apply those ideals and morals of mine, to a world that no longer accepts them. And I suppose that is, in essence the cause of the majority of my hurts. I'm not living in this time, technically speaking. The way I live, the way I choose to live, isn't something that fits in with the way society today is. Okay, sure. Back then people talked about chivalry and still raped and pillaged and hacked pregnant mothers to bits. I'll give you that. The Medieval times were violent and dangerous. But people st least still believed back then. You could really be a knight in shining armor, and people adored you. You were accepted because those were the ideals of the day. Though not everyone adhered to them.
Just like the ideals of today are "money buys anything" or "do what you want, life's too short." or "life's a joke." Not everyone adheres to those ideals. My ideals are Medieval. Some might say backward, or unrealistic. But the world had those ideals once. And I don't see why it can't have them again.
I'd have made a good knight. I'm not bragging. I mean, I probably would've been a lousy swordfighter, a lousy jouster, and maybe only a passable archer. (Historically knights didn't practice archery, though. Archers were commoners who were paid a wage, this paved the way for the militia and mercenary system we use today. And knights were in great danger of archers. Quick history lesson.) But I'd have made a good knight. Knights were supposed to protect their vassals and upkeep their train. They were meant to be the protectors and succors of their people. Yeah, there were probably a whole lot more bad knights than good knights. More greedy, corrupt knights than just and benevolent knights. But I bet there were good knights. And I'd have been one of them.
My point is. I doubt it was ever easy to have these ideals, even when they were "in fashion." Yeah, it was probably a little easier way back then, but not by much. Bleh I'm just rambling. I'm going to stop here.
Ideals. We need them. A standard to hold our lives to. And it's not always easy holding to them, I know. But if we don't even have them, we're like Tom Hanks in Cast Away after he throws away his oars.
This post barely made sense. ~_~ But I already wrote it. And It's so long. So I'll post it up. I was totally planning to write something else, though. Blehhh.
Monday, December 29, 2008
This Should Be An Official Holiday
I don't know why I'm so jazzed about this dumb event. It's pretty depressing if you ask me. But I don't care. It is WORLD KISSING DAY SOOOOOOOON. I can't get the info for it off Facebook -_- Stupid FB has been hanging a lot lately. Oh wait, it just loaded. So here's the info! I think EVERYONE should do it. Kisses are awesome.
Just for one day let's put aside all kinds of hostility, let's remove from our heads all
negative thoughts and all rivalries between colleagues or friends!
Let's end 2008 in a great way! How to do that? That's easy!..let's kiss everyone we know!
It doesn't matter what kind of kiss it's gonna be. You can choose the one you like! It could
be a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the lips, on the doesn't matter the way you
kiss each other!
To take part in the World Kissing Day '08 you need to invite most of your friends on
Facebook! Who knows, maybe we'll be able, for a day not to hear bad news on TV and we'll be
able to end 2008 with a good laugh!!!
Maybe I'll post up a less hyper post later...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Playing Hero
Even if I lied to you,
It wouldn't make it any better,
Well now, even if I lose,
The one that I would choose would be you,
Said I'm waiting for you, and I'm waiting to know you,
But I don't even understand myself,
So don't ask me why, don't ask me why
- The Calling, When It All Falls Down
But sometimes, sometimes, you have to open your eyes, and see the truth. And sometimes, it isn't pleasant. He did mean it that way. They didn't need it, they just took it to spite you. And no, they/he/she doesn't/don't need you. And then, pretty much all bets are off. Sometimes, for all your pretty ideas and romantic fantasies. No matter how strong you may be, how stubbornly you can cling to your ideals, it just isn't enough. Sometimes. You just fail.
It's easy to be strong. And noble. And brave. It's easy to have ideals and dreams and hopes when you have a reason. When you have something that waits for you at the end of the road. Something that you want so fiercely. But sometimes, that thing disappears. Or you realise, you don't really want it. Or maybe you just can't have it no matter how hard you try. Then it's not so easy to be strong or noble or brave. It's not so easy to hold true to your ideals, or hold on to your hopes and dreams.
If there's anything I've learned these past five months. It's that life is not easy. The plan is easy. The plan is always easy. Knowing the steps is easy. But taking them is hard. Moving forward is hard. I live my life, for people. To care about people, to protect people. But have you ever watched one of those comedies where the hero comes rushing in to find that the people took care of themselves and never needed him at all? That'd be me.
I'm not an attention-whore. I'm not. Maybe I have an ego. Maybe I'm peransanted. But I'm not an attention-whore. But I want to be needed. There's no point fighting for anything, protecting anything, being strong for anything if they don't and never did need you. But heroes don't give up. They don't back down, and they don't stop just because things get ugly.
If there's anything I've learned from all the stupid comics I've read, and anime I've watched, it's that heroes refuse to fall. But I've learned something else recently.
I'm not a hero.
There's no damsel in distress waiting for me to rescue her. No burning building, no big bad guy to knock around. All my words, all my "I believe in you" and "Don't give up" and "It'll be okay." They don't mean anything to anyone. I don't have the power to make everything okay. I don't have the power to make anything okay. All I can do is be here, all I can do is try to be here. But it's kind of like standing next to someone who doesn't notice you. Every so often they'll turn and go "Oh, you're still here?" but apart from that, you may as well be invisible.
I'm tired. I really am. I'm not a hero. Nobody needs a hero. And nobody wants a hero wannabe. I can't be perfect like those heroes. Can't be perfect like, Edward Cullen, can't be self-sacrificing like Spiderman, can't be pure and just all the time like Superman. All I can be is me and it's never enough. And I'm tired of not being enough. I'm tired of never being good enough, or macho enough, or smart enough, or mature enough, or responsible enough, or good looking enough. I'm sick and tired of it.
Right now, I don't want to try anymore. I want to just hide away from everyone forever. Or at least until I'm good and ready. Until I'm sure I can stand on my own without anyone ever. I don't want to play hero anymore. I've met my Kryptonite, my Venom, my whatever-it-is-that-kills-vampires-in-Twilight. And I just can't do it anymore. Right now, it'd be easy to give up and just..die. Just let every part of me that ever yearned for heroism disappear. Let whatever is noble in me die and just be me. Forget about everyone else. Become just like everyone else and care only about myself.
But inside, where it matters, I know I can't. I know that when I wake up tomorrow, I'm going to start hoping again. I know that the second I open my eyes, I'm going to think about whoever it is that needs me. I'm going to steel myself again and get ready to be who I want to be, to do everything I can to be that hero. Because that's who I am, a stubborn idiot who doesn't know when to give up.
My Pastor's wife (Sarah) said to me today while we were playing Taboo: "Relax, it's just a game. You're such a typical 17-year-old."
My neighbour (Andrew) replied her: "I don't think he's anything like a typical 17-year-old."
It's things like that which give me strength. I'm different. I'm special. I'm worth something. I know all this. I know that if I keep at it, someday I'll be a hero to at least one person. Someday I'll mean something, I'll be great. I know I will.
But for tonight. I'm tired. And I don't have anything left to give. So I'll put aside the cape (metaphorically speaking, I don't actually own a cape) and cowl (neither do I own a cowl) for tonight. Because tonight? It's too much. I just can't handle it anymore. Tonight, I get to be weak. Tonight I get to hurt and cry and not feel guilty. Just for tonight, I won't worry about if she's hurting. I won't worry about how to protect her. Or how do I make it up to that person. I won't worry about how to cheer her up, or why she's upset.
Tonight, I get to be weak.
Just for tonight, I'll let myself hurt and wallow and cry.
Just for tonight, I'm no hero.
I'm no hero...
I'm not that naive,
I'm just out to find,
The better part of me,
It may sound absurd, but don't be naive,
Even heroes have the right to bleed,
I may be disturbed, but won't you concede,
Even heroes have the right to dream
- Five For Fighting, Superman
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Last Night
Maybe it was stupid. I don't think so. What's stupid about it?
Maybe we shouldn't have done it. I don't think so. Why shouldn't we?
We didn't do anything wrong.
What's wrong with enjoying yourself just a little once in awhile? We didn't hurt anyone. Didn't kill anyone. Didn't do drugs. Didn't sign a suicide pact. Nothing wrong, nuh uh.
So maybe I can never have that ideal meeting with your family I was playing through in my head. So maybe I can never show my face at your house again without getting murdered. Frankly I think you're overreacting. I think everyone is overreacting. :D
I know you had fun too. Even if you were scared.
I had fun. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I can't help but laugh everytime I think about it. I've been laughing a lot today. It was a thrillride.
I understand if you're mad. I understand if they're mad. (Sort of) And I'm sorry for the mental anguish I may have caused you.
But I'm not sorry we did it. ^_^ Never will be.
Everything's gonna be alright.
Promise! :D
P.S. All you other people? Get your minds out of the gutter. Or maybe it's just my mind in the gutter. Hee.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
That Time Of Year
On this Christmas Day,
I wish you a good one,
As you work and play,
Maybe this year wasn't awesome,
But it's almost done,
And I hope we'll be together,
'Til Armageddon comes
- Jared Locke, Christmas SMS Rhyme
I'll write more when I get home. Hopefully it'll be tonight.
But for now.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Dad: So got a new girlfriend already la.
Dad: Think we don't know issit. I read your blog.
Me: Who's my new girlfriend then?
Mom: Zoe!
Mom: Lisa!
Me: Two girls? I'm not that kinda guy.
Dad: It's Trisha la. See he put up this "not nice" picture of her.
Heee. Only a select few people will see the humor in this conversation. Especially the end of it.
Ahhh. The irony. I just thought I share that.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
That Christmas Feeling
Sun in the sky you know how I feel,
Breeze drifting on by you know how I feel,
It's a new dawn,
It's a new day,
It's a new life,
For me,
And I'm feeling...Good.
- Michael Buble, Feeling Good
I don't think I've ever been so agitated in my life. I completely lost it. There's something utterly personal about having a private space of your violated like that. And then it makes me really angry that my Adik lost her Christmas presents because of me. I can deal with not getting mine. I'm used to having crappy stuff like that happen. But Adik's presents are gone. And I couldn't shake the feeling that it was my fault. I parked there. Right there. I practically asked whoever did it to break into the car.
It makes me think, though. What kind of a state is the world in? It's Christmas. Trish told me the other day "I like Christmas. Everyone's different at Christmas, they're nice and happy." And it's true. I see it. People smile more. They laugh more, they're more relaxed. And I don't know what it is exactly. It's not the weather. It's still hot and humid. And it's not that the economy is good or anything. It's just that everyone is happier. I doubt they realise it themselves. It's like there's something in the air that infects people with happiness. I smile easier. I laugh more. And nothing seems to get to me. It's strange, really.
But it gets into people in other ways too. The criminals get more daring. They broke into my car in broad daylight in a crowded area with plenty of traffic. And all they took were Christmas presents. I mean, come on. If you want something that you can sell, why are you stealing Christmas presents. It's like you're stealing something just for the sake of stealing it. I doubt you'd need a hairband, a book, and some shaving thing for women's legs that badly to break into a car and steal it. I doubt you could even sell it. It makes no sense.
I don't think I've ever been that angry in my life. Usually when I get angry, I keep quiet. Very quiet. Because that's how I deal. I keep my temper in check. But yesterday? I lost it. Shouted, swore. Everything. And yes, I'm not proud of it. I scared the people with me. I scared Trish into silence. I've never seen her that subdued. Adik cried, though she did her best not to let anyone see. Teva was just sort of sitting there, probably quietly thinking I'm a mental patient. I scared myself. In that moment, I could probably have killed someone if they'd crossed me. Or hurt them really badly, at least.
What have I learned? Don't park in the freaking park at One Utama. Ahaha. Well, that's the most practical thing. What else? I've learned that...I actually have a scary temper. And I'm glad I'm good at keeping it in check most of the time. And also lately I've been learning to not let things get to me. Happiness is a choice. And that's pretty much all there is to it.
And I can safely say I'm happy. Right now.
Christmas is in less than 12 hours.
I'll post again.
Back in a flash.
In every life we have some trouble,
When you worry you make it double,
Don't worry, be happy
- Bobby McFarrel, Don'tWorry, Be Happy
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This Christmas
I have been so good this year,
All I want is one thing
- Britney Spears, My Only Wish
Okay okay! It's a Britney song, but in my defense, I did not know that while I was enjoying it playing over the mall's sound-system at work. It's only when I got home that, to my dismay, I found it was a Britney song. D: It's like that time with the Jonas Brothers' "Look Me In The Eye." But it's not my fault! I like these songs! But don't worrrryyyyy, I'll post up another song's lyrics at the end. :D
So like, since everyone else is doing it I thought I'd post what I want for Christmas up on my blog. Because everyone else is doing it. So here goes.
What I want for Christmas is....
Heeee. Sorry that's an inside joke. I know someone is cursing me if she's reading this now. And to make it no longer an inside joke I shall now explain it. So first things first. I think I should say that I think asking people "What do you want for Christmas?" is a really weird practice. I mean, I know you want to get them something they want. But like, that's so weird right? It's like you're going to propose to your significant other and you ask them "Do you want me to propose? Yes? Okay then, I'll propose tomorrow!" It doesn't make any sense to me.
It's like asking someone what they want then pretending they didn't tell you and you just happened to pick up just what they wanted. Then you wrap it and give it to them. As if they don't already know what's inside! I mean, I don't mind asking people what they want. So I suppose I can't really condemn the practice. It does make shopping so much easier. But I don't like telling people what I want. ^_^
I used to want a lot of things. Want want want. But then, I'm not sure exactly when I hit on the fact that I will get tired of anything given time. Like I got tired of my phone. Or my XBOX. Or anything else. So I started thinking, I don't really want anything. I mean, I've got everything I need. Everything I could ever want, pretty much.
I have parents.
I have siblings.
I have friends who love me and who I love.
I have a life.
I have a home.
I have food.
I have luxuries like my PC, a car to drive, a mobile phone.
What more could I possibly need? I've got everything I could ever need right here. And I can safely say I'm contented. But that doesn't mean I don't want anything. See I've come to the realization that I can live without what I want. And I can be happy without it too, if I allow myself to be. But that doesn't mean I don't want it.
It's hard to put into words. Which may seem strange since I talk so much usually. But here's the thing. What I want, isn't something you can touch, or see, or smell, or taste. It's metaphysical. It's a concept, a perpetually shifting idea. Plus it's something no one can give. That's the catch I think. If I really think about it, I suppose there is at least one person who could give it to me if they really wanted to. But here's the thing, it's one of those things you don't ever want to ask for.
It's one of those things that you won't want anymore if you ask for it. Understand? Like... if you really want something. And you tell someone. And they give it to you. But it costs them a lot. Or you know they only gave it to you because it was easy but didn't really care. You don't really want it anymore. I don't know if I'm making myself clear. But if someone knows me well enough to know what I want, and cares about me enough to give it to me. That's one of the best feelings in the universe. ^_^
See the way my system works is, I believe that no one can give me what I want. And thus I don't feel bad about not getting it. You see, because if I can't have it, then no one else can have it either. But if it's some dumb thing like a...walkman. Then someone could have one and I would be unhappy. But since no one can give me what I want. Or the person/people who can are in no position to; I'm perfectly fine.
So yes, don't be expecting to find out what I want from this post. I won't tell. ^_^
I just wanted to let it be known that. I don't really need anything for Christmas. If you're getting me something, thank you! :) If not, thanks anyway.
I may not have what I want exactly. But that's alright. I already have more than I could ever have asked for.
I have everything I need.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cloud Castles & Shooting Stars
That will be all. :) I'll format it later. I'm lazy tonight.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Women In My Life
Your heart is my sky,
They wipe away tears that I cry,
The good and the bad times,
We've been through them all,
You make me rise when I fall
- Cascada, Everytime We Touch
Since, as you may have guessed the majority of my close confidants are of the fairer sex (I said fairer, not better nyeh) I felt that I might as well appreciate them. So shall we begin? These are the women in my life. I simply couldn't do without them. :)
Special Placement

My mom. Well that goes without saying. ^_^ The woman who gave me birth, people! A true pillar of salt. (AHAHAHAHA) Yeah, we have ups and downs cause I'm stubborn. But that's normal stuff. If I need a shoulder to cry on at insane hours of the morning because my girlfriend just left me, I know who to call. :D

This is the girl who keeps me...nice. :D (Cause I expend all my meanness on her, she would say.)


In Some Semblance Of Order


Trish is a conundrum. A woman after my own heart. Emo emo emo HAPPY emo emo emo HAPPY angry emo emo HAPPY. She's completely not ladylike. (Sorry, I had to say it. But it's a good thing!) She's complex and not at all simple, and she's strong too. She'll be your friend, but she won't hesitate to slap you if you get out of line, either. Everyone should have a friend like this. She's straightforward. Painfully so sometimes. But it all balances out, because whether she acknowledges it or not, she has a personality that draws people to her. :D
Trish is awesome.

Anyway, this? Is Zoe. I know her through...Facebook. Hee no really! Shut uppp. I saw her in a couple pictures with another friend. And then that same week she showed up at my youth group! And I was all like "Hey! I know you! I stalk you on Facebook!" And we've been friends ever since. xD Zoe is a total emo-freak like me. Though she refuses to admit it. She keeps herself busy to distract herself from her emo-ness. But I can see ittttt (when she has time for me anyways >_>) If you ever need an emo-partner Zoe is the girl Or a camwhore buddy too. But be warned, she has turned camwhoring into an art-form.
Zoe is coooool. She knows how to talk and listen. And you almost always feel better afterwards. If you don't it's usually your fault. And if you webcam with her, you're gonna laaaaugh. That's all I'm gonna say.

The only down side is she's always trying to be "independant" and it's annoying! But she still rocks!
And for now that concludes my expose of the women in my life. :D So, just because I can I will now post up a few pictures of them!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008
YWC: Writers' Slam Article
Once A Writer
By Jared Locke
Writing is a blood-bond between author and the story. No matter what happens ever after, no matter what the writer may do with their hands, build a house, change their child’s diaper, climb a mountain, those hands will never forget the grip of a pen. Their fingers will never forget the feel of a keyboard.
It doesn’t take a genius to write a great article or a story. So often, the God-given act of writing becomes like an Olympic event, writers competing for some imagined prize. The one crucial factor that seems so often left by the wayside is heart. The heart of the writer displayed through their writing.
More important than any “perfect word” or any prize, is putting your all into any piece you may undertake. Or at least, that is what this humble writer believes.
When we are aged and grey remember, we were writers once, and young. And no matter what else we may become in life, writers we will stay, always.
Yeah, so that's the article I wrote for the Young Writers' Camp's Writers' Slam. I got really slammed. >_> It almost got me down to be honest. But then, people say I'm too sensitive. And I think too much. But really I was getting feedback like "I thought it was cliche." Or "That first line...doesn't really make me want to read anymore." Yeah. And it's like, that's when they were supposed to be saying positive things.
And then when other people read their articles these people couldn't shut up with the praise. I mean seriously. I counted, for one girl she got praised SEVEN TIMES. Even when it was time to give feedback on what she could improve people were like "I have something to say....but's a good thing la." Then when our facilitator was like "Okay, so what do you think could help you listen to this article better?" Everyone shut up.
It's like "OMG everyone else's article is perfect except Jared's!" >_> Okay, I am being mildy over sensitive. But that's just the impression I got. Bleh.
Anyways, here it is. Because I was asked to put it up.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Something New
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This is a no-meaning post. In the journalism world it would be called a "fluff-piece." Maybe not even that.
But I felt like it.
- John Dryden, British Poet & Dramatist
Shaking. My hands were shaking. I couldn't tell you why. Maybe it was the knowledge that I'd have to MC soon. People looking at me. Contrary to popular belief, I've never been at home in crowds or in front of an audience. Strangers. I get scared, and anxious, and fidgety and uncomfortable. My throat constricts and my first instinct is to run. But I read in a book once that "Courage is doing the ordinary under extraordinary circumstances." So I suppose I try to practice some small measure of that.
But then, maybe it was the knowledge that she'd be there. Maybe it was the knowledge that I would soon debase myself for the entertainment of others. I don't know what it was. But I was scared. My throat closed up and my stomach tied itself into a knot far tighter than the one Ian had tied into my tie. At that moment, I did not want to be there. Anywhere but there. On the moon with no oxygen, climbing Everest in a blizzard, at home crying my eyes out. Anywhere but there.
But time moved on despite my misgivings. People arrived, the group adjourned to the cafe downstairs to have dinner and listen to the performers. Who were good. Really good. So good that I had to keep repeating to myself that they were bad, picking flaws in their music, their singing, if not I never would have had the guts go step up and sing when it was my turn. At that moment listening to them play and sing, I felt so insignificant. So...invisible. I wanted to run. In the worst way I wanted to just jump into my car and drive all the way home, leap into bed and hide under the blanket for a million years.
I stood outside and pretended I wasn't scared to death of half the people there. Pretended I wasn't scared out of my mind about what would happen if I had to talk to her. Pretended I was outgoing, and loud, and completely Sanguine. Baby sis came to see me. Asked why I hadn't come to their table. I was the MC after all. The MC should greet the guests. My only answer was that I was scared of her. Yeah. But she came by anyway. And I didn't know what to say. So I said whatever came to my mind. As per usual. Talk, but don't say anything.
My eyes never left the floor. I'd rather not have looked at anyone. Rather not have looked at her. Rather not entertain a hope. Why look? Why hope? Why dream? I'm a lot of things that are not complimentary. But I'm not stupid. I don't like looking people in the eye. I see myself reflected in their eyes. But it's not a liking, it's a tolerance. I'm an amusement to be cast away when I've lost my charm. But I couldn't help searching her out in the crowd each time I stood at the fore. Memorise her face, every nuance of voice, every expression.
The night moved in a blur. My song, "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas." The song I butchered. I stood there with a spot in my face, half blinded. My lungs contracted and refused to expand again. My throat closed off as if telling me it wouldn't allow me to begin. My fingers wouldn't play. But I started. I butchered the first line, but I started. Games that I facilitated and barely remember. A movie I didn't watch. My stomach in knots, always hurting. My hands always in my pockets so no one would see them shaking. Especially not her. Never her.
The masks one can put on are numberless. A myriad of faces each distinct in it's own right, but all the same in the fact that they are used to hide the part of you which you do not want seen. The part you do not want hurt. The part that wants to cry when someone tells you that you aren't good enough. The part that breaks a little more with every broken relationship.
In truth. I am scared. Of people I don't know. Of people I do know. Of myself. For myself. By myself. Sometimes I wonder how I get the strength to step out of bed each morning, and go through the day. The fiercest battles are often the ones that are fought, unseen by others. The ones inside. I don't know what makes me able to continue. I don't know what gives me the will to pull on that mask everytime. The mask that people think is "me." The mask of the loud boy who basks in attention. Whose ego could envelop the moon. Who is oblivious to the fact that people tune him out when he talks. Who can talk non-stop.
That mask is no more me than a porcupine is its quills. I know. I can see. I know no one listens to what I say. I know they're tired of my voice. But I can't stop. Because in the silence people see the real you. I hate the silence. I often wonder if people really do see how scared a person I am and maybe they just play along. Because you have to lull a scared animal into a false sense of security before you do anything with it. But there's no way to know. And besides, I don't think I really want the answer anyway.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. I just thought I'd record it. Because sometimes it's easy to lose yourself. I suppose I'm writing more to convince myself than anyone else. But in the end it doesn't mean anything anyway.
My hands are shaking. And I still can't tell you why.
- Joseph Conrad, English Novelist
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Miles Are Getting Longer
The closer I get to you"
- Chris Daughtry, Home
The house is empty.
I'm lonely. Actually, I've been lonely for the past four months.
I hate this feeling.
You can't pretend. You can't hide, you can't make it go away. It's you and the stark knowledge that you are alone. Utterly and hopelessly alone.
I miss it. But I won't allow myself to be weak. I don't need it. Or her. Or you.
But it doesn't mean I'm any less lonely.
Someone talk to me...please.
It's one of those nights.
"When my time comes forget the wrong that I've done,
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed,
Don't resent me,
And when you're feeling empty,
Keep me in your memory,
Leave out all the rest"
- Linkin Park, Leave Out All The Rest
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Dreams May Come
- The Merovingian, The Matrix
In the movie, and book I suppose, Edward and Bella are completely obsessed with each other. One is mesmerized, and the other addicted. I suppose it makes for good movie romance. But the thing that I started thinking about after the movie is, "It doesn't work that way." Actually, it can't work that way. In theory, being so obsessed with a person, to the point of losing yourself in them is a perfectly feasible, romantic idea. But in reality, isn't it completely and utterly unhealthy?
I've heard people tell me that they're waiting for "The One" or that "Mr. Right" or that "spark" or magic, or bombshell to drop and then they'll know. But I read somewhere once, that love doesn't fall like a hammer blow, it creeps in and takes your hand, silently and tenderly, like an old friend. I'm not saying it's wrong to want that "spark" but then, isn't that how a lot of people spend their lives looking for something they never ever find?
"Love is friendship set on fire."
- Jeremy Taylor, English Clergyman
Love. True love, I think, loving someone with all you have is much much more. It's tempered steel, it's a fire, contained and fed so that it doesn't die but continues burning as brightly as ever. Love is not something magical in and of itself. There's nothing mysterious, or even metaphysical about it. Love, like everything else, is a process. It takes faithfulness, patience, temperance, endurance, self-control, honesty, communication... the list goes on and on. It's giving and giving and giving and giving, and giving some more. Until you forget what belonged to who in the first place.
"Love isn't finding a perfect person, it's seeing an imperfect person perfectly."
- Sam Keen
These scared ones, hide behind ideas that love should strike like lightning. Or that they'll somehow instinctively know when love arrives. Well last night I went to watch Twilight, I went with my friend Soon Seng. As we were walking into the cinema I turned and asked him, "Dude, what row are we in?"
He replied, without looking at the tickets, "Dunno. I'll just feel it when we're there."
So we walked, and walked more in the pitch black cinema. And finally he goes. "Okay, guess I can't feel it."
See, I think people who think they'll just know when love shows it's face are just like that. You can't know. Without communication, without faith, you just can't. No matter how long I've known a person, if the relationship evolves into something else, I'll still never be able to look at them and just know that they love me as I do them. I once said something to my girlfriend, by way of encouragement. We were having a rough time with her parents, and I'd promised we would last forever. (Typical guy promise. I would have kept it, though. But that's another story.) She asked "How?" and I replied, "All it takes, is a little magic."
You know what I was talking about? I wasn't talking about that tingle you get when you hold hands, no. I wasn't talking about the rush you get when you talk to them or see their face. I was talking about a deliberate act of will. A conscious, steadfast decision to make a commitment to someone. When a magician pulls a rabbit out of his hat, or tricks the audience into thinking he's just made a plane disappear, it's a conscious act of will. There is no real magic behind it. The magician decides to cast his illusion. Just as one has to decide to love.
My dad says "Love is a decision. You could go out onto the street and decide to love someone out there right now if you wanted to." Though that may be slightly...extreme ^_^ It sums up the point well enough.
In summary. Love has been made into an over-hyped dream. By movies just like Twilight. In the film, Edward Cullen talks about vampires surviving on animal blood. He says, "It's like a human surviving on tofu. It keeps you strong, but you're never really...satisfied." That's exactly what the dream-love is like. You can think you've found it, you can spend your whole life chasing it, or waiting for it. But in the end you're never truly satisfied. Pastor Judah Smith calls it The Beautiful Affliction. When we're so transfixed by a thing's beauty that we go after it, maybe in the wrong ways sometimes and hurt ourselves.
Dreams are all well and good. But we live in the real world. And here, what dreams may come true? Only the ones we forge for ourselves. There's so much more I could write, but my posts are wordy enough already as it is. So I'll leave you with this.
"We are all a little weird,
And life's a little weird,
And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall into a mutual weirdness,
And call it Love."
- Author Unknown