Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Women In My Life

Your arms are my castle,
Your heart is my sky,
They wipe away tears that I cry,
The good and the bad times,
We've been through them all,
You make me rise when I fall

- Cascada, Everytime We Touch


So I was at work yesterday. And like, as usual no one was really replying my texts. So I started thinking not too much :P Just enough. I started thinking about the people I care about. And people who care about me (or should care about me anyways >_>) Of course I noticed that there are very few guys on that list. Which is kinda...weird. But anyway.

Since, as you may have guessed the majority of my close confidants are of the fairer sex (I said fairer, not
better nyeh) I felt that I might as well appreciate them. So shall we begin? These are the women in my life. I simply couldn't do without them. :)

Special Placement

Mom & Kendra

Okaaaaaaay, Kendra doesn't technically count as a woman. But I couldn't do without her knocking on my room door at 3am asking if she can sleep with me. I can't remember life before Kendra, and that's the best way to be with someone I think.

My mom. Well that goes without saying. ^_^ The woman who gave me birth, people! A true pillar of salt. (AHAHAHAHA) Yeah, we have ups and downs cause I'm stubborn. But that's normal stuff. If I need a shoulder to cry on at insane hours of the morning because my girlfriend just left me, I know who to call. :D


Okay. So she's not technically a woman yet either. That's debatable. And as much as I complain about her. I would say she has a very useful purpose. To teach me patience. And how to argue and win everytime. AHAHAHA. Nah, I kid. I mean, if I didn't have kid sisters I wouldn't know how to take care of anyone then what kind of person would I be? A typical jerk of a guy.

This is the girl who keeps me...nice. :D (Cause I expend all my meanness on her, she would say.)

Jean Chan Yuen May

Formerly a significant other. Now, not. :D But still a close confidant. Though she physically abuses me. (SO GLAD WE DID NOT END UP TOGETHER) xD I kid, I kid. Someone I can depend on. Sort of. I mean, she never has credit to call me, so I have to go looking for her. But when I do, I can be pretty much assured that she'll be there. Something every guy secretly wants but will never admit to: a big sister figure.

Annemarie Yani

This? This is Anne. I've known Anne forever or it seems that way. Anne is awesome. We've been through some pretty crazy stuff together. I remember when she used to be a heathen! Hee. But we've grown together I think. So much so that she's probably outstripped me by now. But it's always awesome to have her around. Because she's always happy and refuses to allow you to be miserable. As good a confidant as anyone could ask for. She's there. And she cares. What more could you want? ^_^

In Some Semblance Of Order

Daphne Charmain Thian (AKA: Baby Sis, Adik, Camwhore Buddy!)

Hee. I look terrible in that picture. Like I'm going to EAT YOUR FACEEE. But anyway, this is Baby Sis. :D Baby sis is awesome. I've known her since we were like...12 I think. I used to be so scared of her! Because like....she used to be so scary! Always hanging around meeeeee D: I only got to know her for real like...this year I think. And she's the awesomest of awesome people. Seriously. She can make you laugh, and then scold you for being emo, and then say everything's alright let's go watch a movie. Baby sis is the best. And she does good expressions tooooo.

Trisha Teo (AKA: She has no AKA. Hee. Except Trish, or Sha. But I never call her Sha. >_>)

So this is Trish. She is Daphne's best friend. And mine now too! Well, I suppose. Sort of. :D She may not want to be when she sees this picture though. I had one where she looks prettier, but it's all posed, and I like this one better. >D So this is the one I uploaded.

Trish is a conundrum. A woman after my own heart. Emo emo emo HAPPY emo emo emo HAPPY angry emo emo HAPPY. She's completely not ladylike. (Sorry, I had to say it. But it's a good thing!) She's complex and not at all simple, and she's strong too. She'll be your friend, but she won't hesitate to slap you if you get out of line, either. Everyone should have a friend like this. She's straightforward. Painfully so sometimes. But it all balances out, because whether she acknowledges it or not, she has a personality that draws people to her. :D

Trish is awesome.

Zoe Ng (AKA: Zo-Zo. Heeee. But only if you wanna annoy her.)

There was someone else in this picture, but I cropped it! Ahahahah! Sorry Megan.

Anyway, this? Is Zoe. I know her through...Facebook. Hee no really! Shut uppp. I saw her in a couple pictures with another friend. And then that same week she showed up at my youth group! And I was all like "Hey! I know you! I stalk you on Facebook!" And we've been friends ever since. xD Zoe is a total emo-freak like me. Though she refuses to admit it. She keeps herself busy to distract herself from her emo-ness. But I can see ittttt (when she has time for me anyways >_>) If you ever need an emo-partner Zoe is the girl Or a camwhore buddy too. But be warned, she has turned camwhoring into an art-form.

Zoe is coooool. She knows how to talk and listen. And you almost always feel better afterwards. If you don't it's usually your fault. And if you webcam with her, you're gonna laaaaugh. That's all I'm gonna say.

Sarah Yong (AKA:...Sarah Yong. xD)

Sarah is my emo-partner. If yo want someone to just emo with you and not try to cheer you up for awhile? Sarah is the girl. We are so emo sometimes it's so much fun to re-read our conversations and laugh. Together we've stayed alive through our respective break-ups and formed the FATAL. Sarah rocks. She's encouraging, though she'll never let you encourage her. But it's all part of her charm I suppose.

The only down side is she's always trying to be "independant" and it's annoying! But she still rocks!

And for now that concludes my expose of the women in my life. :D So, just because I can I will now post up a few pictures of them!

As you can see, Anne is very photogenic. :D

Trish and I tend to talk a lot when we're together >_>

Me and my sisters! I love 'em. ^_^

And that's all I have time for I'm getting dragged out now. I'll possibly post more later. If I can be bothered. :D



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