Tuesday, December 16, 2008

YWC: Writers' Slam Article

Once A Writer

By Jared Locke

Writing is a blood-bond between author and the story. No matter what happens ever after, no matter what the writer may do with their hands, build a house, change their child’s diaper, climb a mountain, those hands will never forget the grip of a pen. Their fingers will never forget the feel of a keyboard.

It doesn’t take a genius to write a great article or a story. So often, the God-given act of writing becomes like an Olympic event, writers competing for some imagined prize. The one crucial factor that seems so often left by the wayside is heart. The heart of the writer displayed through their writing.

More important than any “perfect word” or any prize, is putting your all into any piece you may undertake. Or at least, that is what this humble writer believes.

When we are aged and grey remember, we were writers once, and young. And no matter what else we may become in life, writers we will stay, always.


Yeah, so that's the article I wrote for the Young Writers' Camp's Writers' Slam. I got really slammed. >_> It almost got me down to be honest. But then, people say I'm too sensitive. And I think too much. But really I was getting feedback like "I thought it was cliche." Or "That first line...doesn't really make me want to read anymore." Yeah. And it's like, that's when they were supposed to be saying positive things.

And then when other people read their articles these people couldn't shut up with the praise. I mean seriously. I counted, for one girl she got praised SEVEN TIMES. Even when it was time to give feedback on what she could improve people were like "I have something to say....but uh...it's a good thing la." Then when our facilitator was like "Okay, so what do you think could help you listen to this article better?" Everyone shut up.

It's like "OMG everyone else's article is perfect except Jared's!" >_> Okay, I am being mildy over sensitive. But that's just the impression I got. Bleh.

Anyways, here it is. Because I was asked to put it up.



Liz said...

Hey, I liked your piece. I really did. I just didn't dare open up my mouth to say it, is all. In fact, the first line which someone said was cliche and made him not wanna read anymore, I thought was pretty gripping. Well, at least for me, I felt that it made me go, Wow. That is 1 COOL way to put it. hah. So yeah, you're being sensitive. I mean, keeping count? Ish-ish. Remember you were one of the first people who went up (2nd if I remember correctly?) so others were just warming up to the session, some still shy (like me) to say anything. By the end, everybody was giving more and more comments. So it was more of the timing rather than the fact that yours wasn't good. Anyways, it's people's personal opinion. Don't take it too seriously. As many people there are who have UN-positive things to say about your piece, there are AS many people (if not more) who LOVE it. So there. Don't be a sensitive kiddo. Cheers! ;P

Anonymous said...

jared, you're being too hard on yourself. you were the first camper to go up to read out your article. we were still "cold" and shy when you went up. anyway, i like the simplicity of your article. it reflects your strong love and passion for writing too. thanks for posting this up! :)