Saturday, December 27, 2008

Last Night

Last night. Or this morning if you prefer. It was AWESOME. That's what you call an adrenaline rush. :D

Maybe it was stupid. I don't think so. What's stupid about it?

Maybe we shouldn't have done it. I don't think so. Why shouldn't we?

We didn't do anything wrong.

What's wrong with enjoying yourself just a little once in awhile? We didn't hurt anyone. Didn't kill anyone. Didn't do drugs. Didn't sign a suicide pact. Nothing wrong, nuh uh.

So maybe I can never have that ideal meeting with your family I was playing through in my head. So maybe I can never show my face at your house again without getting murdered. Frankly I think you're overreacting. I think everyone is overreacting. :D

I know you had fun too. Even if you were scared.

I had fun. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I can't help but laugh everytime I think about it. I've been laughing a lot today. It was a thrillride.

I understand if you're mad. I understand if they're mad. (Sort of) And I'm sorry for the mental anguish I may have caused you.

But I'm not sorry we did it. ^_^ Never will be.

Everything's gonna be alright.

Promise! :D



P.S. All you other people? Get your minds out of the gutter. Or maybe it's just my mind in the gutter. Hee.


Liz said...

Oohhh...What happened?? ;P
(I kay poh nia)

Jared said...

Hahaha. Stuff happened laaaa. :P