Tuesday, November 04, 2008

System Error: Reset Default Settings

I hate Twilight. O_O Actually, saying that will prooooobably get me killed. So I retract that statement. :D Glad I got it off my chest, though. I will not go into a long rant as to why. Because that would be pointless. Because no one would agree/care. :D

Right so let's see, what to blog about? Politics. For most people who know me, they'll know that I don't much care about politics. I don't much care what's going on in the States, and I don't much care what's going on here, really. Elections were a big deal for some people, I couldn't care less. Who the next PM is going to be is a big deal for some people, I didn't give it a second thought. And truthfully, I still don't. But there is something I've realized. Politics is a big thing, it affects everything we and everything we are. And if we don't change the messed up way it is then the future for Malaysia doesn't really look too bright, does it?

Of course most people will be all like, "Aiyo, what for la? Malaysia so bad, move la. I go Aussie, there velly good one." And yeah, I suppose for those who can afford to move like that, it'll be a good personal solution. But then, what happens to the people who are left behind? Truthfully, I plan to move. I don't plan to live in Malaysia for the rest of my life. But I know that now, while I'm here I can, no-scratch that, I should do something. And even when I go, wherever it is I plan to go. I'm not abandoning my country.

I mean, so many young people these days feel powerless. We've bought into the lie that's been fed to us that because of our age we can't change anything. We can't do anything. And so many of us just sit back and dream and yearn to do something big. Well, the thing we gotta figure out, the thing we have to believe in is that we're not powerless. That maybe, singularly our voices can be drowned out, but as a full and strong force, we are an army of young people to be reckoned with.

Recently this group I've been going to, it's Leadership Training for young people. But we've been really focusing on the political situation lately. And really I couldn't have cared less. I didn't want to bother about the crappy situation Malaysian politics is in. But when we started working with Hannah Yeoh, the uhm..MP of Subang I think she is. I don't know, I never bother with positions. But she's a got a big one over Subang, okay?

Anyway, they've been showing us needs. Real needs there. Like old people dying and not having enough money to be buried properly? Or young kids who're so destitute or depressed that they only have drugs or cigarettes, or parties to rely on. So we're filling a need. This group of young people I work with, we call ourselves G.E.L.

Growing Emerging Leaders

We've decided to support Hannah Yeoh and run alongside her. See, she's shown us a great need of support for young people in Subang. They have programs fro the old, and the dying, and the poor, but not for young people. Kind of strange don't you think? That the next generation of the country isn't being catered to at all? So we're taking this and running with it. And thus, we present to you:

Where Normal is Nothing

An event that will change everything. See, for too long the youth of this nation have been held back by exams, and vice, and depression. And the thing is, that's what's accepted as normal now. Yeah, NORMAL. It's NOT normal. It's not the normal state of any living organism to willingly harm itself. Is it? So we're going to do something about it. We're going to show the young people (of just Subang at first, but it's not going to stop there. I won't let it.) that there is something more than what they know. We need to reset the status quo. We need to change the meaning of normal back to what it was meant to be in the first place.

Right now this event is a concept rattling inside the heads of a few Young People. But once it's birthed, it's going to grow into a movement. I can assure you of that. Get on board. Cause seriously, you do NOT want to miss this.

You can expect this to be big, guys. I'll keep posting updates as Project: Reset unfolds.

Vive la révolution,

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