Friday, November 28, 2008

Let It Go

"I had a picture of you in my mind,
Never knew it could be so wrong,
Why'd it take me so long just to find,
The friend that was there all along?"

- Boyzone, Picture of You

Whooo, staying awake for more than 32 hours at a time isn't something I'd recommend as a healthy practice. xD Yeah, that's just one of the things I wanted to throw out there. It's a very important little fact, y'know? Anyways, on to more serious matters.

I dislike human nature. And I'll tell you why. Because it's human nature to hold on to things long after it's wise, or even good for us. Examples? The guy who holds on to his house even though he can't pay the mortgage and keeps going deeper and deeper in debt, just cause he wants to look cool. The guy who holds on to the "fact" that he was right when he was obviously wrong. The girl who holds on to the guy who's obviously doing nothing but causing her pain. The people who cling to the dream of "having someone" even though all the cards have been laid on the table and you were dealt a losing hand. I dislike holding on to things because it gives you a reason to wallow. Wah wah wah, I feel so bad because she doesn't like me. Wah wah wah, I feel so bad because I'm 7 million dollars in debt and can't find a way out. Wah wah wah, why can't I stop loving him even though he's hurting me? Sure, wallowing has it's place. Everyone loves a good wallow, but then you can be so down that you forget how to be up.

People can't be blamed, of course. It's human nature to want things, maybe even need them. And I know firsthand how hard it can be to let go of something. It's like holding on tight to a bar or something for hours while you're on a speedboat or something. When you let go, your hand is cramped in place and it's difficult to get it off the bar. Or playing guitar, your left hand forms chords, you play long enough, it cramps in position and even if you take it off the guitar it's difficult to get your fingers to do exactly what you want for awhile. So yes, even physically it can be hard to let go sometimes. The thing is, it's probably more painful in the long run, to hold on to that thing/person/guitar/bar/whatever.

"Those who expect nothing are never disappointed."
Mrs. Rachel Lynde, Anne of Green Gables

Well, I don't think I can buy into the philosophy. Of course it's easy to give up on dreams and hopes and wants. But well, the easy way out isn't always the best. I mean sure, if you're stuck in a burning building on the ground floor and the door is on fire, then the window is the easiest way out. Jump. But if it's still the easiest way out on the 40th floor, it isn't exactly the best way out, is it? As I've written before, I set my heart very fully on things and it tends to end up with me being hurt. Yes it does. But then, not hoping isn't the answer. I think not trying is a worse crime than not succeeding to live. Even if you tried and failed, you tried. In the words of Bruce Lee, "If it kills you, it kills you."

For myself and many people I know, this year has been a big one. We're 17. And yes, while it isn't as big a change as being oh say...18 xD or 20, it's still an important year. At 17 kids are leaving school for college, or leaving school to try and work, or trying to make it in the music industry. 17 is a crossroads in the life of any person, and I think the choices that are made this year will go a long way to deciding whether or not we reach the goals and dreams we set out for ourselves.

And if we're holding on to all that baggage, we'll never make it. Who's ever tried climbing a ladder with a heavy backpack on? I climbed a mountain :P Not much fun is it? I'm an advocate of letting things go. It doesn't do to hold on to the hurt and pain. It doesn't do to let the painful past dictate your current and future actions. Of course, I'm still learning as I go. Sometimes the old fear creeps up and I just want to close myself off. But then, that's the point. Letting it go. Being free. The only thing caging a lot of people is themselves. The only thing keeping them from that girl/guy they want (unless of course the girl/guy is fictional, then...sorry for you la. :P) the only thing keeping them from breaking out into the music scene like they want, is what's in their head.

Though it isn't all their fault, as young people these days we're so bombarded by things that say we're not good enough unless we're super skinny, or have perfect teeth, or look like Brad Pitt. We have people saying things like "So many pimples la you." or not disagreeing with us and telling us to shut up when we call ourselves fat. It's hard to find your self-identity when everything pressures you to be a certain way. See, everyone was made unique, right? That means everyone has their own color to add to the rainbow of humanity, but then people tell us we all have to be the same, act the same, and we listen! Can you imagine a rainbow that was all ultraviolet? Yeah, see how much you'd enjoy looking at that.

What I'm saying is, there's nothing to be afraid of. We, teenagers in general and those who've turned seventeen this year in particular, have made the future such a big scary thing. But it's less complicated than we give it credit for. If you fail, you fail la. Try again. If you go bankrupt? Work your ass off, pay it off, and try again. If he/she doesn't love you the way you wanted? Boo-hoo. Suck it up. xD
Just kidding. So what if they don't love you the way you wanted? What's the big deal? Is the world going to crack? One more thing, don't listen to your idiot friends who tell you stupid things like "Aiya, she doesn't deserve you la." or "You're too good for him, really wan!" Cause that's stupid. Running people down to make yourself feel better is stupid.

The trick is to forget. Forget that guy who molested you when you were just a kid. Forget that girl who spurned you with utmost disdain because she was white and you're not. Forget the person who hurt you, who said "It's a waste of time trying to love a person like that." Forget the loss you had in that talent competition, the bad grades you got, the nasty jibes. Forget it all. And just LIVE. I'm not talking about existentialism, living in the moment. Never looking ahead or back. I'm talking about grabbing a wasp and yanking that little bugger's sting off so he can never hurt you again. (Metaphorically speaking. Don't go around killing wasps, that's mean. ^_^) Taking the hurt out of your memories so that you're free to live your life.

In gist? Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to go for what you want with all you have. Cause as long as you're alive you can't lose.

"Never give up, never surrender."

Tim Allen as Captain Jason
Nesmith, Galaxy Quest


"I've got something to tell ya,
I've got something to say,
I'm gonna put this dream in motion,
Gonna let nothing stand in my way,

I'm gonna get myself 'cross the river,
That's the price I'm willing to pay,
I'm gonna make you stand and deliver,
And give me love in the old-fashioned way"

- Boyzone, When The Going Gets Tough


I'm gonna buy me a one way ticket,
Nothing's gonna hold me back. Hee, I love that song.

There's nothing to be scared of.

There never was :)


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